Friday, 4 February 2011

Henryk Grossmann Die Wert-Preis-Transformation bei Marx und das Krisenproblem (1932)

Henryk Grossmann

Die Wert-Preis-Transformation bei Marx und das Krisenproblem


Benedetto Croce Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx

Benedetto Croce

Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx

Written: 1914
Source: Rod Hay's Archive for the History of Economic Thought, McMaster University, Canada
Translator: C.M. Meredith

Introduction by A.D. Lindsay
Chapter I. Concerning the Scientific Form of Historical Materialism
Chapter II. Concerning Historical Materialism Viewed as a Science of Social Economics
Chapter III. Concerning the Interpretation and Criticism of some Concepts of Marxism
Chapter IV. Recent Interpretations of the Marxian Theory of Value and Controversies Concerning them
Chapter V. A Criticism of the Marxian Law of the Fall in the Rate of Profits
Chapter VI. On the Economic Principle, Two Letters to Professor V. Pareto

Press reviews of Hobsbawm's How to change the world 

La scuola è morta… viva la scuola!

La scuola è morta… viva la scuola! La recente sperimentazione per tecnici e professionali che prevede il passaggio da 5 a 4 anni, con la pos...