Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Nikolai Bukharin, Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital

Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital

Written: 1924;
First Published: 'Der Imperialismus und die Akkumulation des Kapitals',Unter dem Banner des Marxismus, Vienna/Berlin, 1925-6, Vol II.
Source: Rosa Luxemburg and Nikolai Bukharin Imperialism and the Accumulation of capital. Edited with an Introduction by Kenneth J. Tarbuck. (Allen Lane The Penguin Press, London, 1972), pp 151-270.
Translated: (from the German) by Rudolf Wichmann;
Transcription/Markup: Steve Palmer;
Copyright: Kenneth J. Tarbuck and Rudolf Wichmann 1972;
Notes: Notes by the editor and translator appear [thus]. MIA notes appear {thus}.
Introductory essay: "Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital" by David Yaffe.


Nikolai Bukharin Historical Materialism A System of Sociology

Nikolai Bukharin

Historical Materialism

A System of Sociology

Written: 1921
Source: Nikolai Bukharin "Historical Materialism", International Publishers, 1925
Online Version: Marxists Internet Archive ( 2002
Transcribed by: Edward Crawford
Markup: Mathias Bismo

Following the author's plan in the Russian edition, the material in the original book was printed in two different sizes of type. The general discussion covering the entire field appears in larger type, and may be read without reference to the matter in smaller type. More detailed elucidations of certain subjects including additional references were printed in smaller type for the use of the advanced student and reader.

Nikolai Bukharin, Imperialism and World Economy

Nikolai Bukharin

Imperialism and World Economy

Introduction by V.I. Lenin

Written: 1915 and 1917
Source: Nikolai Bukharin "Imperialism and World Economy", Monthly Review Press, no date
First Published in English: Nikolai Bukharin "Imperialism and World Economy", International Publishers 1929
Online Version: Marxists Internet Archive ( 2001
Transcription/Markup: Mathias Bismo

Part 1 - World Economy and the Process of Internationalisation of Capital
Part 2 - World Economy and the Process of Nationalisation of Capital
Part 3 - Imperialism as the Reproduction of Capitalist Competition on a Larger Scale
Part 4 - The Future og Imperialism and World Economy

La scuola è morta… viva la scuola!

La scuola è morta… viva la scuola! La recente sperimentazione per tecnici e professionali che prevede il passaggio da 5 a 4 anni, con la pos...