Friday, 25 March 2011

Louis Althusser, Étienne Balibar 1968 Reading Capital

Reading Capital

First published: by Librairie François Maspero, Paris, 1968;
Translated: by Ben Brewster;
This translation first published New Left Books 1970.

1. Introduction
2. Marx and his Discoveries
3. The Merits of Classical Economics
4. The Errors of Classical Economics: An Outline for a Concept of Historical Time
5. Marxism is not a Historicism
6. The Epistemological Propositions of Capital (Marx, Engels)
7. The Object of Political Economy
8. Marx’s Critique
9. Marx’s Immense Theoretical Revolution
Appendix: On the ‘Ideal Average’ and the Forms of Transition
1. From Periodization to the Modes of Production
2. The Elements of the Structure and their History
3. On Reproduction
4. Elements for a Theory of Transition

Louis Althusser, For Marx

— For Marx —

First published: in 1965 as Pour Marx by François Maspero, S.A., Paris. In English in 1969 by Allen Lane, The Penguin Press;
Translated: by Ben Brewster;
Transcribed: by Andy Blunden.


To My English Readers
Introduction: Today
1. Feuerbach’s ‘Philosophical Manifestoes’
2. ‘On the Young Marx’
3. Contradiction and Overdetermination
4. The ‘Piccolo Teatro’: Bertolazzi and Brecht
5. The ‘1844 Manuscripts’ of Karl Marx
6. On the Materialist Dialectic
7. Marxism and Humanism 

La scuola è morta… viva la scuola!

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